Upon his return he would receive the title “The Admiral of the Indian Seas.” Vasco da Gama returned to Portugal in September of 1499.Even-so he would return to Portugal with riches worth 60 times more than the expedition. These things would strain the relationship between the King and Vasco da Gama. Muslim traders who perceived the European as a rival accused him of being nothing more than a pirate. The Kind of Calicut was hospitable but unimpressed with da Gama’s gifts. Vasco da Gama arrived near Calicut on May 20th, 1498.From here he would set sail to Calicut, India. This is where da Gama first learned of Indian trade vessels. Malindi was friendly and happened to be at war with Mombasa. In February of 1498, about 8 months since he first left Lisbon, he sailed into the port of Malindi.Although da Gama was the first European to sail into the port of Mombasa he was met with hostility. This would not go over well with the Mombasa population. Around the city of Mombasa, da Gama began looting Arab merchant ships that were unarmed.While leaving he turned his ship and fired into the city. Unfortunately he was unable to give a suitable gift to the Sultan and was met with hostility and left. In order to gain an audience with the Sultan of Mozambique he acted as if he was a Muslim. He believed that it would hinder him if they found out that he was Christian.

Dias would not reach India, his mission was to prove that it was possible to sail around the Cape of Good Hope. He would get his first taste of exploration with Bartolomeu Dias when has sailed around what is now called the Cape of Good Hope.Vasco did so and he did it with much speed and effectiveness. Twelve years later King John would send Vasco da Gama on a mission to seize French ships. John would eventually ascend to the Portuguese throne and become King John II. In 1480 he joined the Order of Santiago whose master was Prince John. In 1460 he was appointed as a knight of the household of Infante Ferdinand, Duke of Viseu.He would hold this position until around 1478.

It was either 1460 or 1469 in Sines on the southwest coast of Portugal His father was Estevao da Gama who was also famous in his time. Historians disagree on the date of Vasco da Gama’s birth. This story is the sort of behavior that gets you kicked outta the party! But Da Gama was incredibly important to Portugal so they left his behavior slide! Here we will look at what Da Gama did for the world of exploration, Portugal and the acts of cruelty against the Muslim people of Africa